
The importance Information Technology in the industry of naval construction: a case study.

This article has for objective to present the use of the Information Technology in the industry of naval construction. The theoretical bases aims at to establish as IT supplies to support in the shipyards day-by-day of the in the New … See more

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Ant colony optimization applied to the problem of scheduling and vehicle routing for the transportation of persons disabled.

Ant colony optimization applied to the problem of  summary. This paper proposes a heuristic solution to the problem of programming and routing of vehicles to transport people with disabilities. In this type of problem, known in literature as a “problem … See more

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Configuration of a Container Regulator Terminal as an Instrument of Multimodality Development Booster at Port of Santos Zone.

The fast growing of container usage in Brazil southeast region contrasts with the intensification of logistics problems faced by the Port of Santos, main national container port. Brazilian international trade is under serious risk regarding international competitiveness and the development … See more

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The cabotage transport in Brazil – Potential for inter-modality for improving the logistics flow.

This study describes aspects related to coastal shipping in Brazil and its main actors and intermodal factors (road, rail, fluvial transportation etc.) which corroborate to the increase of logistics competitiveness and efficiency of transportation in a large country like Brazil. … See more

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Proposing the use of environmental indicators in the Performance Evaluation of Brazilian ports.

This work aims to demonstrate the possibility of inclusion of environmental indicators in the Current Port Performance System (SDP) used to evaluate the Brazilian ports. The environmental indicators are very important because of the scope of the environmental issue and, … See more

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One approach to ballast water

The expansion of the frontiers of international trade created the need to develop maritime transport. Ships are used to transport various types of cargo, accounting for approximately 80% of the global transportation of cargo. Link for papper:

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