Proposing the use of environmental indicators in the Performance Evaluation of Brazilian ports.

This work aims to demonstrate the possibility of inclusion of environmental indicators in the Current Port Performance System (SDP) used to evaluate the Brazilian ports. The environmental indicators are very important because of the scope of the environmental issue and, when used properly, can be effective in preventing impacts to the environment. In port management, the use of indicators has been reason for debate at national and international forums. The National Agency of Transportation (ANTAQ) in its quarterly port assessment is monitoring price and performance in the ports held by the SDP, however, it does not consider environmental indicators to classify these ports. Accordingly, this research has as main objective to propose the inclusion of environmental indicators in the SDP methodology of ANTAQ and show that use in the performance assessment of Brazilian ports. Therefore, 5 significant indicators, for port environmental management, were chosen related to ballast water of ships, sediment contamination by heavy metals, oil contamination in the port basin water, control of emission of greenhouse gases and management plan for solid waste from ports and vessels. From literature review, data were presented for each indicator in 5 selected ports and using the fundamentals of the Single Measure Rating Technique by Swing (SMARTS), changes were made in the methodology of the current SDP, which allowed the achievement of quantitative and qualitative results for the environmental value and a global concept for each considered port. The results, obtained with imposed conditions, showed significant changes in the current conceptual classification of ports. It is recommended the inclusion of environmental indicators for the assessment of port performance held by ANTAQ, seeking strategic improvements to the Brazilian ports, through integration between economic and environmental sustainability.

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