
XVII Pan American Congress of Traffic Engineering, Transportation and Logistics, PANAM 2012version, is the most important Latin American congress of transportation engineering, which brings together participants from all over Latin America, Caribbean, USA, Spain and Portugal.The conference is a meeting place for academics and researchers, and professionals fromprivate companies and public institutions.

Thematic areas of PANAM 2012:

  • Economy and Transportation Planning
  • Transportation Funding and Private Concessions
  • Transport Infrastructure
  • Traffic Engineering
  • Logistics and Freight Transport
  • Network Models y balance between demand and supply of transport
  • Sustainable Transport Policy
  • Road Safety
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems and Information Technology
  • Assessment of Externalities and road pricing
  • Transport and Environment
  • Public Transport
  • Transportation and Land Use

Fonte: The Pan American Society of Transportation Ressearch

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