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Myth and Reality in the Search for the Wider Benefits of Transport

Seminário NEREUS 01-2011

Professor Roger Vickerman
School of Economics, University of Kent

24/03/2011 – quinta-feira
Sala Adriano Romariz (USP/FEA 2)


Whether and how transport affects economic development has been the subject of much controversy. These wider economic impacts (WEIs) continue to provide difficulties on both theoretical and empirical grounds and hence there is no clear guidance for their use in appraisal. Recent research has improved our understanding of the way in which accessibility affects the performance of firms, the public sector and labour markets. However, whilst the conceptual and theoretical arguments have advanced, the empirical evidence remains problematic with conflicting results from different methodologies. This paper reviews the theoretical advances and the empirical evidence and establishes priorities in the future research agenda, but also makes some tentative suggestions for improvements to appraisal.


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