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Computable General Equilibrium Models

UP&PD 655: Regional Economic Methods
March 27, April 6 and 13, 2014, Rutgers University

Lecturer: Eduardo Haddad – University of Sao Paulo (Brazil)

Course Outline

This part of the course aims to introduce participants to the ideas and techniques of regional CGE modelling, and to equip them to start using an operational model, adapting such model for their own simulations. By the end of the course, participants will have been introduced to:

  • the theory underlying CGE models;
  • the basic structure of CGE models;
  • the representation of CGE models in the notation used in GEMPACK;
  • the data requirements of CGE models;
  • formulating exogenous scenarios;
  • computing simulations for policy analysis;
  • interpreting and reporting results.

Course Material

Students should read Text 1 before before the first meeting. Readings for the second meeting include Text 2 and Text 3; students should also go through Lecture 3. If preferable, please download and install a temporary (three-month-free-trial) executable-image version of GEMPACK and bring it in your computer.


Go through the CEER guide and answer the 40 questions related to the CEER model. Follow the instructions in Appendix 1 in order to install the model in your computer. You will need the following files:

  • Computing Guide for the CEER Model Using Customized RunGEM – download
  • The Customized RunGEM – download
  • CEER folder with model files – download

Practice (Stylized Johansen Model)

Gempack documentation – pp 17-28 – download


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