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TD NEREUS 03-2016

Jungle Metropolises: Manaus and Belém within the Brazilian Economic System

Carlos R. Azzoni, Gisalda C. Filgueiras, Joaquim J.M. Guilhoto and Carlos A. Gonçalves Jr


This study analyzes the insertion of the metropolitan economies of Belém and Manaus in the economic system of Brazil with an inter-regional input-output (I-O) model. They are the capital cities of the states of Pará and Amazonas in the detached Amazon region. Their size is 3.2 million inhabitants and they have experienced rapid growth in the last decades. The state of Pará exports minerals and forestry products. The state of Amazonas is a major importer of manufacturing parts from abroad, which are assembled into final goods sold to other Brazilian regions. Manaus metro hosts a free import zone and an industrial pole established in the 1960s. We compare the economic structures of these areas in terms of production, value added, and employment, and how the regions trade with other Brazilian regions. We show that their productive structures and their insertion in the Brazilian economic system are quite different: the interaction of Belém with other areas within the state of Pará is more intense than that of Manaus to the other areas of the state of Amazonas. In spite of the similarities between these two metropolitan areas, there are important differences in their productive structure and in how they interact with other regions in the country.


TD NEREUS 02-2016

Tracing Brazilian Regions’ CO2 Emissions in Domestic and Global Trade

Denise Imori and Joaquim José Martins Guilhoto


The current Brazilian position on climate change has been formalized with the law of National Climate Change Policy, which provides a legal framework for national actions aimed at mitigation and adaptation. Within PNMC, the country has defined its national voluntary reduction targets for greenhouse gases emissions, with reductions between 36.1% and 38.9% of projected emissions by 2020. The distribution of the corresponding mitigation efforts by regions is of great concern in a large country like Brazil. In fact, most of Brazilian states have established public policies on climate change. In this context, questions raised in the literature on global climate change, such as the environmental responsibility for emissions embodied in trade, also apply at the regional level, and perhaps even to a larger extent. In order to analyze at regional level the current relationship between Brazil’s CO2 emissions and domestic and global value chains, in this study we adopt a new framework that combines a world input-output table with an inter-regional input-output table. Also, a new database is compiled on Brazilian states’ energy use (by fuel) and related CO2 emissions at sectoral level, based on states’ official energy balances. We are able to evaluate the CO2 emissions in each of the 27 Brazilian states, considering their respective productive structure, energy use, as well as their trade with other states or foreign countries. We find that, in 2008, emissions from the production of inter-regionally traded goods and services corresponded to 36% of Brazilian CO2 emissions. There is great variation among states concerning their emissions intensities and carbon content of their trade relationships with their states and foreign countries.


TD NEREUS 01-2016

Should I Stay or Should I Go? Selection on Migration and Learning in Cities in Brazil

Ana Maria Bonomi Barufi, Eduardo Amaral Haddad and Peter Nijkamp


The urbanization phenomenon is still going on, especially in developing countries, raising the question of why are cities this successful as productive centers. In this context, agglomeration economies in labor market outcomes have been explored significantly in the past years, even more because longitudinal individual micro-data were made available only recently in many countries. Most studies try to measure static agglomeration externalities, but more recently, there has been an increasing interest in dynamic agglomeration gains (which affect wage growth). Here we consider data for the Brazilian formal labor market from 1995 to 2008 (RAISMIGRA), trying to measure not only static agglomeration externalities, but also dynamic ones. In this sense, we try to understand how migratory movements affect the future wage level of individuals. We calculate the impact of acquired experience in different city sizes over the observed wage, finding that if individuals work more years in bigger cities, they will have higher wages in the future.


TD NEREUS 09-2015

Productive Structure and Trade Relations: The Case of the Western Border Regions of Paraná State, Brazil

Carlos Alberto Gonçalves Júnior and Joaquim José Martins Guilhoto


The aim of this paper is to analyze the productive structure and the trade relations, national and international, of the Western Border Regions of Paraná state in Brazil. As so, based on the input-output database from the University of São Paulo Regional and Urban Economics Lab – NEREUS, we have estimated: a) an interregional input-output model for 6 regions (5 in Paraná and the remaining of Brazil), for 2008; and b) the external trade relations of these regions. The results also point out the importance for the Western border regions of traditional sectors of the state economy, however, in some situations, the sectors that most contribute to output, income, value added, and employment generate many of these benefits outside the regions, mainly due to the spillovers. These findings certainly need to be considered by policy makers when designing policies for the development of the analyzed region.



Mobilidade, Acessibilidade e Produtividade: Nota sobre a Valoração Econômica do Tempo de Viagem na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo

Eduardo A. Haddad e Renato. S. Vieira


O objetivo deste artigo é introduzir no debate sobre valoração do tempo de viagem dos trabalhadores urbanos uma visão alternativa sobre a integração de alguns de seus canais de transmissão para a economia. A relação entre tempo de deslocamento, mobilidade e produtividade é explorada, juntamente com a possibilidade de se capturar seus efeitos de equilíbrio geral em um sistema econômico espacial. O método proposto é aplicado para o caso da RMSP. Além de oferecermos parâmetros adicionais para avaliação econômica de projetos de mobilidade urbana na RMSP, efetuamos o cálculo das perdas econômicas associadas às fricções de mobilidade excessivas na região.


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