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TD NEREUS 07-2015

Uma Análise da Interação entre Empresas nas Contribuições de Campanhas para Obtenção de Contratos com o Governo Federal

Lucas Squarize Chagas, Eduardo A. Haddad e André Luis Squarize Chagas


Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar o impacto das contribuições de campanha sobre o valor dos contratos com o setor público federal obtidos pelos doadores. Além disso, busca-se incorporar à discussão de lobby uma contribuição original: analisar a interação entre empresas ao realizar as contribuições de campanha a candidatos a cargos federais utilizando econometria espacial em um contexto não-geográfico. Os resultados do modelo base indicam que a elasticidade total das contribuições de campanha sobre o valor dos contratos chega a 0,95%, bem superior aos 0,03% estimados por MQO. Portanto, a interação entre empresas responde pela maior parte dos benefícios provenientes das contribuições de campanha.


This work aims to investigate the impact of campaign contributions on the value of the contracts with the federal public sector earned by donors. In addition, it seeks to incorporate to the lobby literature an original contribution: analyzing the interaction among companies in performing campaign contributions to candidates for federal office using spatial econometrics in a non-geographical context. The results of the basic model indicate that the total elasticity of the value of contracts to campaign contributions reaches 0.95%, well above the 0.03% estimated by OLS. Therefore, the interaction among companies accounts for most of the benefits earned by donors from campaign contributions.


TD NEREUS 06-2015

The Potential Economic Impacts of the Proposed Development Corridor in Egypt: An Interregional CGE Approach

Dina N. Elshahawany, Eduardo A. Haddad and Michael L. Lahr


Egypt has proposed a new development corridor. A main component is a desert-based expansion of the current highway network. This network is founded on a 1200-kilometer north-south route that starts at a proposed new port near El-Alemein and runs parallel to the Nile Valley to the border of Sudan. It also includes 21 east-west branches that connect the main axis to densely populated cities on the Nile. The paper is a first attempt at an economic assessment of the impact of this proposed corridor. It uses an interregional computable general equilibrium (CGE) model developed and reported in a prior paper. Here, that model is integrated with a more detailed geo-coded transportation network model to help quantify the spatial effects of transportation cost change due specifically to changes in accessibility induced by the corridor. The paper focuses on the likely structural economic impacts that such a large investment in transportation could enable through a series of simulations related to the operational phase of the project.


TD NEREUS 05-2015

Industrial Scope of Agglomeration Economies in Brazil

Ana Maria Bonomi Barufi, Eduardo A. Haddad, Peter Nijkamp


The tendency towards urbanization in the emerging world accompanied by the constant pursuit for higher productivity prompts an urge for studies aiming at understanding agglomeration economies. In the context of Brazil, a country with extremely high regional disparities, exploring this issue is important not only for private stakeholders, but also for public policy practitioners. In the framework of static agglomeration effects, we investigate the industrial scope of agglomeration economies in Brazil. On the basis of identified registration data covering the whole formal labor market in three distinct years (2004, 2008 and 2012), we estimate separate models for the logarithm of the hourly individual wage for five broad economic sectors (S1 – Manufacturing low-tech, S2 – Manufacturing medium-tech, S3 – Manufacturing high-tech, S4 – Services less-knowledge, and S5 – Services high-knowledge). Different estimation strategies are considered in a two-stage mode: with and without individual fixed effects in the first stage, and with and without instrumental variables for population density in the second stage. The main results indicate that there is not a unique optimal local industrial mix to foster productivity in different technological sectors. Comparing possible theoretical approaches (MAR, Jacobs, Porter) related to combinations of diversity, specialization and competition, we find that for S5 only diversity is significant (and positive), suggesting that a Jacobs’ perspective is rather adequate. For S1, S2 and S4, the MAR framework seems more adequate to explain the underlying patterns. In the case of S3, there are elements from both Marshall’s and Jacobs’ perspectives. These results seem to be robust to different specifications and estimation strategies. Finally, the urbanization economies coefficient appears to be positive and significant for all sectors, ranging from 0.0511 to 0.0940 in different specifications, under the simplest estimation (OLS in the first and the second stages). Ordering these effects between the sectors from the highest to the lowest, we find the following sequence: S3, S1, S5, S4 and S2. This can be considered as evidence that high-tech and low-tech manufacturing sectors benefit more from the urban or metropolitan scale in Brazil, followed by services associated with higher knowledge intensity.


TD NEREUS 04-2015

Scholarly Collaboration in Regional Science in Developing Countries: The Case of the Brazilian REAL Network

Eduardo A. Haddad, Jesús P. Mena-Chalco and Otávio J. G. Sidone


The Regional Economics Applications Laboratory (REAL) celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2014. That was 25 years to the day since Philip Israilevich and Geoffrey JD Hewings started a cooperative venture between the Federal Reserve Bank at Chicago and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Since then, REAL has become one of the leading research centers of regional science worldwide. In this paper, we describe the scholarly network involving REAL’s alumni working in academia in Brazil. We analyze the patterns of research collaboration among around 50 Brazilian researchers whose main activities are related to academic institutions in Brazil. The Brazilian REAL Network has shown to be an interesting case study that reflects the pattern of evolving collaboration networks in scientifically emerging economies. The expansion of the REAL scientific collaboration network in Brazil arises as a relevant mechanism for both the qualitative leap of national scientific production in regional science and for the dissemination of knowledge in peripheral regions of the country. Conducted under the leadership of Geoffrey JD Hewings, it has helped to further develop regional science in the country. We also present some of the developments in areas of research in regional science of particular interest to Brazil and other developing countries, taking stock of some of the network’s contributions to the field.


TD NEREUS 03-2015

International Trade and the Environment: New Evidence on CO2 Emissions

Vinicius A. Vale, Fernando S. Perobelli and Ariaster B. Chimeli


This paper investigates the mechanics of international trade and CO2 emissions in two blocs of countries (“North” and “South”) by analyzing data from the World Input-Output Database. We use and adapt the Miyazawa technique to estimate the linkages between international trade and the environment at a global scale, a contribution that to our best knowledge has not yet appeared in the literature. Our results suggest that both the North and the South have become less pollution intensive (technique effect) over the years. Interestingly and in contrast to much of the literature, we also find support to the hypothesis that the South has specialized in relatively more pollution intensive activities (composition effect).


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