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Nova série: a partir de 2010

TD NEREUS 06-2012

Spatial Propagation of the Economic Impacts of Bombing: The Case of the 2006 War in Lebanon

Eduardo A. Haddad and Yasuhide Okuyama


TD NEREUS 05-2012

Technical Note on the Construction of the Interregional Input-Output System for the Concession Areas of ANEEL

Eduardo A. Haddad and Maria Carolina C. Marques


TD NEREUS 04-2012

Target Fitting and Robustness Analysis in CGE Models

Gabriel Garber and Eduardo A. Haddad


TD NEREUS 03-2012

Demographic Change and Regional Economic Growth in Brazil

Alexandre A. Porsse, Marianne Z. Stampe, Marcelo S. Portugal and Eduardo S. de Almeida


TD NEREUS 02-2012

Spatial Perspectives of Improving Competition in Lebanon

Eduardo A. Haddad


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