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Nova série: a partir de 2010

TD NEREUS 01-2012

Progress on the Development of an Interregional Computable General Equilibrium Model for Lebanon: The Input-Output System

Eduardo A. Haddad


TD NEREUS 15-2011

The Use of Violence in Illegal Markets: Evidence from Mahogany Trade in the Brazilian Amazon

Ariaster B. Chimeli and Rodrigo R. Soares


TD NEREUS 14-2011

Fragmentação Geopolítica: Uma Análise Estrutural das Propostas de Separatismo no Brasil

Eduardo A. Haddad, Amir B. Ferreira Neto e Fernando S. Perobelli


TD NEREUS 13-2011

The Regional Economic Structure of Brazil in 1959: An Overview Based on an Inter-State Input-Output System

Gustavo Barros and Joaquim J. M. Guilhoto


TD NEREUS 12-2011

A Panel Data Investigation on the Brazilian State Level Export Performance

Flávio V. Vieira and Eduardo A. Haddad


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