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TD NEREUS 06-2022

The Human Capital Effect on Productivity and Agricultural Frontier Expansion in Brazil

Pedro Henrique Batista de Barros, Gustavo Henrique Leite de Castro and Naercio Menezes-Filho


TD NEREUS 05-2022

Input-Output Analysis of the Ukraine War: A Tool for Assessing the Internal Territorial Impacts of the Conflict

Eduardo A. Haddad, Inácio F. Araújo, Ademir Rocha and Karina Sass



TD NEREUS 04-2022

The Impact of High-speed Railway on Labor Spatial Misallocation – Based on Spatial Difference-in-Differences Analysis

Linnan Yan, Menger Tu, André L. S. Chagas and Lufeng Tai


TD NEREUS 03-2022

Odessa: Momentos de Paz num dia de Guerra da Ucrânia

Tomaz Ponce Dentinho


TD NEREUS 02-2022

Regional Science Meets the Past: What Do Coin Finds Tell Us About the Ancient Spatial Economy?

Eduardo A. Haddad and Inácio F. Araújo


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