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TD NEREUS 02-2020

Calculando uma Matriz de Tempo de Deslocamento Rodoviário através do Open Source Routing Machine

Renato Schwambach Vieira


Esta nota técnica descreve o procedimento adotado para a construção de uma matriz com o tempo estimado de deslocamento de cada sede de município brasileiro para todos as demais sedes de municípios do país. Para os municípios conectados à rede rodoviária, as estimações dos tempos de deslocamento são calculadas através da implementação em R do OSRM (Open Source Routing Machine), um algoritmo de otimização de rotas baseado na malha do OpenStreetMap. Para municípios da região Norte sem conexão com a malha rodoviária, os tempos de deslocamento até o segmento mais próximo da malha rodoviária é estimada com base no relatório de Vias Interiores Economicamente Navegadas da Agência Nacional de Transportes Aquaviários (ANTAQ). Os resultados estão disponibilizados em arquivo anexo.


Matriz com o tempo estimado de deslocamento entre os municípios: Dados


TD NEREUS 01-2020

Input-Output Analysis of COVID-19: Methodology for Assessing the Impacts of Lockdown Measures

Eduardo A. Haddad, Fernando S. Perobelli and Inácio F. Araújo


This technical note describes in details the methodology developed for assessing the daily economic costs of control strategies for mitigating the effects of COVID-19. It is based on the partial hypothetical extraction approach to input-output systems. This methodology is being currently applied to inform regional and national governments in Brazil and Colombia on the potential regional and sectoral economic costs of different strategies of lockdown measures. Simulated scenarios based on different durations and intensities of the control measures are also being used to help designing sectoral and territorial-based policies to ease lockdown against the coronavirus outbreak after reaching a downward trend in the growth rate of new infections.


TD NEREUS 11-2019

Housing Program and Social Conditions Impact: Evidences from “Minha Casa Minha Vida” Program Lotteries in Brazil

André Luis Squarize Chagas and Guilherme Malvezzi Rocha


Housing policies to improve the quality of life of the poorest have been employed for a long time. In developing countries urbanization has increased the number of slums, supporting the creation of housing programs, like Minha Casa Minha Vida (MCMV) program, launched in 2009 in Brazil. The program intend to provide better housing conditions to poor family. To reduce the construction cost the houses are built in surround area of the cities, far from business center. In this paper, we took advantage of a randomly selection of families in Rio de Janeiro (one of the most important cities in Brazil) and São José do Rio Preto cities (a big city in the countryside of São Paulo state, Brazil) to evaluate the it impact on social conditions, mainly related to the employment and income. By combining two administrative databases we were able to measure the changes in the labor market for both groups, drawn and not drawn. The frst conclusion is even with a random selection criteria, as the lottery, the program badly selected the benefciary families, benefting only one least linked to the labor market. Individuals with better job conditions choose remains the current house, independently of it structural condition or the neighborhood. To the benefciary, the program negatively affects the labor supply, reducing the likelihood that the benefciary will be formally employed. Also, the program increased the proportion of families receiving the cash income transfer. This work is one of the frst articles to analyze microdata from MCMV, providing an important measure of the program’s impact.


TD NEREUS 10-2019

Matriz Insumo-Producto Interregional de Colombia, 2015 (Nota Técnica)

Eduardo A. Haddad, Inácio F. Araujo, Luis Armando Galvis


El objetivo de este documento es presentar una descripción detallada del procedimiento empleado para la construcción de un sistema de insumo-producto interregional para Colombia con datos de 2015. La justificación de un proyecto de esta naturaleza se fundamenta en la necesidad de tener una herramienta que permita hacer análisis de las interrelaciones entre departamentos del país en lo que concierne a los flujos comerciales. Dicha herramienta puede ser útil también en la definición de políticas públicas encaminadas a fortalecer algún sector clave en una región de la economía, teniendo en cuenta los efectos multiplicadores que este va a tener sobre otros sectores y regiones.


The objective of this document is to present a detailed description of the procedure used for the construction of an inter-regional input-output system for Colombia with 2015 data. The justification for a project of this nature is based on the need to have a tool that allows analyzing the interrelationships among departments of the country with regard to trade flows. This tool can also be useful in defining public policies aimed at strengthening some key sector in a region of the economy, taking into account the multiplier effects that this sector will have on other sectors and regions.



TD NEREUS 09-2019

Habilidades e Prêmio Salarial Urbano

Edivaldo C. Neves Jr, Carlos Roberto Azzoni e André Chagas


O objetivo desse estudo é discutir em que extensão a relação entre população e salários é diferente para trabalhadores alocados em ocupações com diferentes perfis de habilidades. Os dados utilizados para analisar a relação entre aglomeração urbana, salários e habilidades são provenientes da Relação Anual de Informações Sociais e da base
desenvolvida por Maciente (2013), que deriva do Occupational Information Network (ONET-US Departament of Labor). Foram criadas três métricas, que representam a intensidade de habilidades cognitivas, sociais e motoras requeridas por cada ocupação. As evidências indicam que os ganhos de aglomeração não se manifestam da mesma forma para todos os indivíduos de um centro urbano. Existe um padrão no qual a importância das habilidades cognitivas cresce na medida em que o tamanho das aglomerações aumenta.


The aim of this paper is to discuss the relationship between urban size and productivity for workers allocated to occupations with different skill profiles. The data come from the
Annual Social Information Relation (RAIS) and the database developed by Maciente (2013), which is essentially derived from the Occupational Information Network (ONET - US Department of Labor). For each occupation, three scores, representing the intensity of the cognitive, social and motor skills involved in their activity were created. We found that agglomeration gains do not manifest in the same way for all workers in an urban center. There is a pattern in which the importance of cognitive skills grows as the size of the agglomerations increases.


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