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TD NEREUS 03-2024

Shades of Blue: The Geography of the Ocean Economy in Brazil

Eduardo A. Haddad and Inácio F. Araújo


We quantify blue economy contributions and analyze coast-hinterland economic interdependence through interregional linkages The study advances by adopting a multi-level approach, analyzing municipality and state-level data of ocean-related activities. Using an interstate input-output model, we estimate the blue economy’s value chains, enhancing our understanding of its systemic impacts. We address gaps in national, regional, and local blue economy assessments, providing insights for tailored policies in Brazil’s diverse coastal regions as Brazil aims for UN Sustainable Development Goal 14 by 2030. Our analysis underscores the diverse blue economy structure and regional disparities, advocating for the coordination of sector and region-specific policies. Embracing an integrated regional approach acknowledges the interconnectedness of coastal economies to address shared challenges and capitalize on regional strengths effectively.


TD NEREUS 02-2024

Spatial Difference-in-Differences and Event Study: Identification and Application to the Case of Priority List of Municipalities in the Brazilian Amazon

André Luis Squarize Chagas and Luiza Andrade


Difference-in-differences (DID) has long been a staple in estimating treatment effects in applied econometrics, with recent advancements relaxing traditional assumptions to explore heterogeneous and spillover effects. While heterogeneous effects analysis examines causal impacts across diverse groups and periods, spillover effects analysis delves into the influence of treatments on neighboring units. Incorporating spatial dependence within the DID framework, Spatial Difference-in-Differences (SDID) models have emerged as a powerful tool for analyzing such effects, particularly in settings where observations represent fixed geographical units. This study contributes to the literature by explicitly formalizing underlying assumptions and employing an SDID model to analyze the impact of Brazil’s Priority Municipalities List on deforestation in the Amazon region. Utilizing both traditional DID and SDID methodologies, we uncover significant reductions in deforestation odds ratios within listed municipalities and neighboring unlisted municipalities. Furthermore, we introduce an event study approach linked with SDID to explore the policy’s anticipatory effects. Our findings underscore the effectiveness of the Priority Municipalities List in curbing deforestation and highlight the importance of spatially explicit methodologies in environmental policy evaluation. This article advances methodological discussions surrounding SDID estimation and provides empirical insights into the efficacy of targeted environmental policies in combating deforestation in sensitive ecosystems like the Amazon.


TD NEREUS 01-2024

Uma Análise Diferencial-Estrutural da Economia Chilena (2013-2022)

Fernando Picchetti


O presente texto busca apresentar diferentes modelos de análise diferencia-estrutural (Shift-Share em inglês) e aplicá-los em um estudo de caso da economia do Chile no período de 2013-2022. Neste período, observou-se uma queda e posterior apreciação do preço internacional do cobre – um dos produtos mais relevantes da produção nacional chilena – que favoreceu as regiões mineradoras localizadas na área mais ao norte do país. Contudo, o efeito foi desigual mesmo entre as áreas com alta concentração de cobre e, por isso, a análise diferencial-estrutural mostra-se frutífera por permitir entender as diferenças regionais. As principais questões apresentadas são: as regiões mineradoras conseguiram resistir à depreciação do preço do cobre? Conseguiram aproveitar os efeitos da apreciação subsequente? O boom do preço do cobre induz uma concentração de empregos no setor mineral ou tem um efeito multiplicador que proporciona um crescimento em outros setores? Os resultados mostram que a resposta para essas questões varia entre as regiões e para entender essa miríade de possibilidades seriam necessários estudos mais específicos do que a análise diferencial-estrutural, cuja metodologia permite apenas uma visão exploratória dos dados.



TD NEREUS 12-2023

Interregional Input-Output Table for Costa Rica: Database Description and Construction Steps Based on the IIOA Method

Inácio F. Araújo, Eduardo A. Haddad, and José Antonio León


This technical note outlines the hypotheses and methodologies employed in estimating the Interregional Input-Output Table for Costa Rica (IIOT-CRI) for 2019. The construction process involves utilizing limited information to develop a comprehensive interregional input-output database, shedding light on the intricate spatial linkages within the Costa Rican economy across its 82 cantons and 27 sectors. We provide detailed insights into the methodological procedures adopted for generating the interregional system and the accompanying database.



TD NEREUS 11-2023

Companion to the Interregional Input-Output System for Croatia

Eduardo A. Haddad, Inácio F. Araújo, and Blanka Šimundić


This paper reports on the recent developments in constructing an interregional input-output matrix for Croatia (IIOM-HRV). As part of an ongoing project that aims to specify and implement an interregional CGE (ICGE) model for the country, the BMCRO model, a fully specified interregional input-output database was developed under conditions of limited information. Such a database is needed for future calibration of the ICGE model. This research venture is part of a technical cooperation initiative involving researchers from the Regional and Urban Economics Lab at the University of São Paulo (Nereus) and the Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism, Department for Tourism and Economy at the University of Split.



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