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TD NEREUS 04-2020

Environmental Impacts and Policy Responses to Covid-19: A View from Latin America

Alejandro López-Feldman, Carlos Chávez, María Alejandra Vélez, Hernán Bejarano, Ariaster B. Chimeli, José Féres, Juan Robalino, Rodrigo Salcedo e César Viteri


COVID-19 is currently having major short run effects with possible serious long run implications for the environment and the management of natural resources in Latin America. In this paper, we discuss the possible effects of the pandemic on air pollution, deforestation and other relevant environmental dimensions across the region. With contributions from environmental economists from eight countries, we give an overview of the initial and expected environmental effects of this health crisis. We discuss potential effects on environmental regulations, possible policy interventions, and an agenda for future research for those interested in the design and evaluation of environmental policies relevant for the Latin American context.


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