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TD NEREUS 15-2012

An Accessibility Index for the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo

Renato S. Vieira and Eduardo A. Haddad


The objective of this paper was to elaborate an index to measure accessibility to jobs in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo. The index followed a gravitational formulation as proposed by HANSEN (1959), weighting the opportunities according to the impedance to achieve them. We defined ‘opportunities’ as the number of jobs in each zone, and ‘impedance’ as an inverse exponential function of travel time between each pair of zones, which was calculated by an Engineering Company. Two indices were calculated, one for trips made by private vehicles and a second one for public transportation. We observed that: a) accessibility is usually higher as nearer the zone is to city center; b) the spatial distribution of accessibility is different between the two modes, being shaped as concentric rings for the case of private vehicle and being somehow attached to the railway network for the case of public transportation; c) there is a significant spatial correlation between income and accessibility.


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