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TD NEREUS 09-2015

Productive Structure and Trade Relations: The Case of the Western Border Regions of Paraná State, Brazil

Carlos Alberto Gonçalves Júnior and Joaquim José Martins Guilhoto


The aim of this paper is to analyze the productive structure and the trade relations, national and international, of the Western Border Regions of Paraná state in Brazil. As so, based on the input-output database from the University of São Paulo Regional and Urban Economics Lab – NEREUS, we have estimated: a) an interregional input-output model for 6 regions (5 in Paraná and the remaining of Brazil), for 2008; and b) the external trade relations of these regions. The results also point out the importance for the Western border regions of traditional sectors of the state economy, however, in some situations, the sectors that most contribute to output, income, value added, and employment generate many of these benefits outside the regions, mainly due to the spillovers. These findings certainly need to be considered by policy makers when designing policies for the development of the analyzed region.


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